Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2013, 4 (2), 196-201.

The Comparison of Laser Desorption/Ionization of Acridine Orange and Methylene Dlue Dyes on the Surface of Thermally Exfoliated Graphite

V. O. Gabovich, V. O. Pokrovskiy


Peculiarities have been investigated of acridine orange and methylene dlue dyes ion formation in mass-spectrometric experiments using laser desorption/ionization from the surface of thermally exfoliated graphite samples used as ionization supports. It has been shown that mass-spectra contain, in addition to molecular ion М+, pseudo-molecular ions (М+Н)+, (М+2Н)+ (М+3Н)+. Up-mentioned ions were present in mass spectra under all conditions of mass spectrometric experiment; their relative intensities depended upon details of thermally exfoliated graphite sample preparation, upon power and duration of laser pulse, and upon lifetime of desorbed molecules and ions in the  source of mass spectrometer where ion molecular reactions may take place. The distribution of monoisotopic intensities for dyes under investigation has been presented and discussed. Possible explanation is proposed for the source of hydrogen atoms participating in ion formation of dyes.

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