Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2011, 2 (3), 229-234.

Influence of a Magnetostatic Field with Middle Value on the Formation of the Magnetite Nanoparticles in the Aqueous Ion-Exchange Precipitation Reaction with the Surplus of the Alkali

E. S. Brikov, D. V. Zhuravskij, V. A. Mikheev, V. F. Novikov, I. A. Smirnov


The results of experiments are presented on the influence of external middle magnetostatic field on the aqueous ion-exchange reaction of magnetite precipitation in alkaline medium. The shape and size of nanoparticles are obtained from powders by ultrasound dispersions are studied by means of atomic and magnetic probe microscopy. Diffraction and scattering of X-rays on synthesized powders are investigated. It is revealed that when field increases, deflection of particle sizes from the average is decreased and their shape becomes disk-like (<D>=70 nm with H = 473 kА/m); the diffusion background is increased on the diffraction curves at small angles, structural peaks vanish, the volume of reaction products is decreased. Some preliminary considerations are presented on the probable physical features of the effect of magnetic field on the formation of nanoparticles. In particular, the influence is analyzed of a magnetostatic field on ion recombination in the reaction as well as on the properties typical of separate condensation stages.

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Copyright (©) 2011 E. S. Brikov, D. V. Zhuravskij, V. A. Mikheev, V. F. Novikov, I. A. Smirnov

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